Rental of BDO containers Rental of BDO containers

Rental of BDO containers
Rental of BDO containers

BDO container rental for foreign language customers

Rental of BDO containers is our offer for English-speaking customers who run their investments in our country. We offer comprehensive assistance at construction sites and help in the organisation of the entire collection process. So if you need to get rid of such waste as: rubble, tar paper, mineral wool or foamed polystyrene, our offer should meet your interest. We service the whole of Poland and, apart from waste containers, you can also order portable toilets and fences from us. All this means that you do not have to look for many partners for different tasks and you can have everything done in one place. The greatest advantages of our service include:

How does the rental of BDO containers work?

  • Assistance in registration in the Database on Products, Packaging and Waste Management (BDO, Baza Danych Odpadowych in Polish)rental of BDO containers is only possible if an entity is registered in this database. Foreign entities are not excluded from this obligation. So if the company is from another country, it still has to go through the BDO registration procedure. Our advisers will help you through all of these stages so that you can meet your obligations under environmental regulations.
  • Taking over the obligation to issue waste transfer notesrental of BDO containers at the time of their replacement or removal entails the need to issue waste transfer notes. These documents are drawn up in an electronic version in the BDO. Our company offers you to take over the administrative duties of the waste transferor. We will issue the necessary documents on your behalf free of charge.
  • Attractive pricesthe waste market in Poland is very diverse. Entities operating in the same area may have different prices, which makes the most appropriate choice very difficult. As a waste broker, Waste24 Sp. z o.o. helps you to obtain the best conditions for waste disposal. Taking care of our customers’ wallets, we will negotiate the best collection conditions for you.
  • Fast delivery times – time is of the essence when renting BDO containers. Nobody likes a messy construction site and endless waiting for a truck to pick up the waste. Our advisors will make every effort to ensure that the rubble and waste containers are delivered to you smoothly and without delay.


Rental of BDO containers

Rental of BDO containers

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Nasza firma pośredniczy w odbiorze odpadów poremontowych, papy, gruzu oraz gabarytów na terenie całego kraju. Współpracujemy z najlepszymi firmami wywozowymi w Polsce. Nasze kontenery, big bagi oraz usługi transportowe zaspokajają potrzeby firm oraz osób prywatnych.

Ostatnio zamówiony kontener na odpady
Zamówiono Kontener do miejscowości Poznań

16 min. temu